Formerly a little repugnance was felt in making use of false hair, when more simple coiffures were in vogue; now this is no longer the case, when on account of the voluminous nature of dress generally, elaborate headdresses are absolutely necessary. Bows of hair, curls of every shape and length, and plaits are purchased to form a portion of the headdress, just as our grandmothers purchased flowers or ribbons; and ladies now think no more of their false plaits than their progenitors of their ribbons and flowers; for the moderns do not pretend to make people think that the rich, handsome plaits and curls which ornament their heads are their own hair, more than the ancients wished to persuade others that the flowers they were grew on the head they adorned. And there is a substratum of common-sense at the bottom of this arrangement. If a lady happens to have a really good head of hair, it is a pity to cut, frizz, and crimp it, when by a small outlay she may obtain something to wear which will preserve her own beautiful locks. Of course we are now speaking of our friends who insist on being in the fashion, and are suggesting a few remarks to them.
Domestic Magazine Supplements - January, 1863
6 years ago
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