Miss Jessie Harlan Lincoln, the daughter of Robert T. Lincoln, United States Minister to Great Britain, has entered the Iowa Wesleyan University, and will take the classical course.
The answer to the question why many young women prefer to lead single lives of loneliness, is perhaps to be found in a statistical report from Chicago, where, it is said, 20,000 husbands are supported by their wives.
Permission has been given to Miss Ray Beveridge, of San Francisco, to set up and operate a miniature blacksmith's forge in the California Building at the Chicago World's Fair. Miss Beveridge is a niece of Ex-Governor Beveridge of Illinois, and is said to be an expert at the anvil.
Miss Homans, the accomplished Director of the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics, speaks encouragingly of the progress of dress-reform in Boston: "Two years ago, out of a class of thirty seven, there were but two of the young women at the end of the school year who continued to wear corsets, and no one continued to wear French heels. Last year, out of a class of seventy one, seven eighths gave up wearing corsets." Which shows that Boston girls are made of sensible stuff. It is a reform in the right direction, and one which we hope has come to stay - but, of corsets not a subject which can properly be discussed by
Brother Jonathan, Junior.
Taken from The Young Woman, December 1892.
6 years ago
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